How Customer Centric Are You?

Aug 24, 2011

We’ve all heard that “location, location, location” is the golden rule of real estate. In customer relationships the parallel is “service, service, service.”

In fact, the key to successfully managing a customer experience initiative is the deliberate development of a Customer Centric framework. Customer Centricity has been defined as “An approach to doing business in which a company focuses on creating a positive and consistent consumer experience at the point of sale, through the call center, online and via all communications, including mobile, email and print. A Customer Centric approach can add value to a company by differentiating it from competitors who do not offer the same experience.”

A positive customer experience also translates into greater customer loyalty. Forrester Research, in Customer Experience Boosts Revenue (June 22, 2009), showed a high correlation between customer experience and three key elements of loyal behavior: willingness to buy more, reluctance to switch, and likelihood to recommend.

Without a framework to create, continuously evolve, and ensure a unified customer experience, a company’s best intentions in marketing, reward programs, and customer service can actually have a negative impact.

Kobie Marketing has developed the Customer Centricity Quotient – a tool to help companies identify functional areas of customer experience excellence and improvement across Marketing, IT, Analytics, and Strategy.

We encourage you to read our whitepaper and take short Benchmark Assessment to help you identify areas, which may be holding back your overall strategies for building a more Customer Centric company.

Want to find out how your organization rates?  Once you have completed the Customer Centricity Quotient Scoring Model, send your results to Jillian Setzer at  Your responses will be compared to all respondents, as well as industry specific respondents, if applicable. The reported information might provide guidance for the development and implementation or your organization’s Customer Centric strategies.

If you’d like, we can also schedule a call to discuss how minor adjustments to different areas of your business can yield significant results.