Bringing loyalty outcomes to life

A technology platform that brings loyalty outcomes to life.

See why Kobie is named the ONLY Leader in both Services and Technology by Forrester.

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Tech that mirrors the marketer’s toolkit

Our tech stack mirrors the marketers toolkit, bringing your brand’s unique loyalty strategy to life. Experience the configurability, extensibility and scalability of Kobie Alchemy® Loyalty Cloud; a Forrester-Leading loyalty technology platform.

We use extensive micro-services that leverage Triple Play Data™ (transactional, behavioral, and emotional data) to enable end-to-end delivery of loyalty-inspiring experiences powered by AI to deliver the next best action/offer with no code required.

A leading technology platform

Kobie Alchemy® Loyalty Cloud is the culmination of years of experience, innovation, and progress.

Our technology platform delivers what technologists and marketers need through extensible product suites: Data on your customers (KALC Signal Cloud); Decisioning to drive next best offers and actions (KALC Experience Engine), Delivery of personalized experiences (KALC Producer), and Measurement of the impact on your loyalty program (KALC Compass).

Learn why Kobie Alchemy® Loyalty Cloud is a Forrester-leading technology platform.

Customer Data Platform (Loyalty CDP)
Access to and activation of loyalty data

Loyalty Decisioning
Program configuration and management which drives orchestration of next best loyalty offers and actions

Loyalty Experience Delivery
Solutions to engage members across all key loyalty touchpoints (web, app, mobile, contact center)

Actionable Intelligence
Reliable, predictive outcomes anabled by machine learning and AI

Design personalized loyalty experiences

Kobie Alchemy® Loyalty Cloud empowers brands to design experiences that build customer loyalty without any coding required. With speed to market, you can enable program configurations, targeted offers, rewards catalogs and more with a few simple clicks.

Configurability that rivals custom development

Kobie Alchemy® Loyalty Cloud offers endless program constructs adaptable by brand, program and segment to best grow customer loyalty.

Extensibility that connects your ecosystem

Through our 3rd-party integrations, built-in partner expansions and hundreds of fine and course grain APIs, we enable frictionless data exchange and seamless integration with your existing marketing ecosystem

Scalability to support programs of all sizes

Our technology scales with you as you grow, with a cloud-based infrastructure that supports a range of program sizes from 25K members to 100M+ members.

Harness the power of data

Customer data is more valuable than ever. Loyalty is the best way to enable large-scale data collection on customers. Data fuels everything we do; from insights-driven strategies to driving a personalized member journey to actionable business intelligence dashboards. Within strict data privacy and security standards, we remove the guesswork around data collection with our Triple Play Data™ approach and Kobie Alchemy® Signal Cloud architecture which enables collection, integration, and activation of your customer data safely and securely.

Triple Play Data™ brings together transactional, behavioral, and emotional data to provide a holistic view of your customer. This data mentality and framework sets Kobie apart, as we focus beyond the transactional (buying and spending) data of consumers. We layer behavioral data, which details customer engagement across touchpoints and channels, along with our proprietary emotional score/data, which interprets what motivates each customer’s loyalty, to drive highly personalized, loyalty-inspiring customer experiences.

Signal Cloud is Kobie’s Loyalty CDP where all Triple Play Data™ is stored and harnessed across our entire technology platform to facilitate personalized experiences based on our comprehensive understanding of your member data. Signal Cloud works seamlessly alongside all KALC product suites to empower impactful targeting, triggering, and personalization during the member journey.