Can’t-Miss Content Coming to Loyalty Expo 2024

May 29, 2024

With the 2024 Loyalty Expo right around the corner, Kobie is gearing up to share some can’t miss-content June 4-6th in Orlando! From our latest Consumer Research Report findings, to a guide on how to activate loyalty data, to catching our client’s presentations at the annual Loyalty360 Awards, we’re excited to help brands level up in loyalty at this year’s expo by diving deep into actionable insights.

Here’s more on what to expect from us:

Loyalty University: 2024 Consumer Research Findings that Get to the Heart of Loyalty

For 34 years, Kobie has been a leading expert in loyalty, understanding that perception is reality. That’s why consumer research is vital. This session dives into Kobie’s 2024 Consumer Research Report, analyzing data from over 4,000 North American consumers to answer the burning questions you have about your loyalty program: How is it perceived? Why do (or don’t) consumers feel connected?

This is not your traditional research report. Kobie applies a behavioral science perspective to consumer insights, guided by our resident “pracademic”, JR Slubowski. Key takeaways will include:

·       Diagnosing Your Program Health: Learn how to identify roadblocks and optimize your loyalty program for maximum member value.

·       The Power of Personalization: Understand the emotional impact of data exchange and how to personalize effectively for a win-win scenario.

·       Engaging Beyond the Transaction: Discover strategies to keep members active and connected between purchases.

·       The Truth About Tiers: Explore the emotional implications of tiers and special offers, ensuring they foster positive member experiences.

·       Shiny Object or Table Stakes?: Identify loyalty trends to prioritize based on your customer base, separating fleeting trends from essential features.

Join Dr. JR Slubowski, Kobie’s AVP of Strategic Consulting, for a deep dive into the “pracademic” insights of our 2024 report. Get ready to translate theory into action and unlock the true potential of your loyalty program. Check out the video preview here!




Loyalty Workshop: Activating Data – How Loyalty Data Can Fuel Enterprise Growth Across Your Organization

In today’s data-driven world, understanding your customers is key to success. This workshop dives deep into how loyalty is the best way to capture zero-party-data, that can help fuel enterprise growth across your entire organization. Here’s how we’ll help your brand:

Harness the Power of Zero-Party Data:

·      We’ll explore the increasing importance of Zero-Party data in a privacy-focused environment.

·      Discover how Zero-Party data goes beyond transactions and behavior, revealing the “why” behind customer actions.

·      Learn strategies for gathering valuable insights without being intrusive, fostering trust and stronger customer relationships.

·      See how Zero-Party data fuels hyper-personalization across all touchpoints, from loyalty programs to CRM experiences.

Unleash the Engagement Power of Gamification:

·      Explore gamification as a powerful tool to drive customer engagement and loyalty.

·      Learn how to integrate game mechanics into your loyalty programs to boost repeat purchases and collect valuable Zero-Party data.

·      Discover how gamification creates a flywheel effect, building momentum and long-term success for your brand.

Join Kobie and learn how to activate your data to achieve sustainable growth through Zero-Party data and gamification. Check out the video preview here!




Loyalty360 Awards: Best Customer Loyalty Strategy, Best Innovation & Transformation

Join Subway’s Barb Millette, Head of Loyalty & Gift Cards, to learn about the highly successful launch of their new MVP Rewards Program. On June 5th and 6th, Barb will talk the audience through how a rigorous strategic process helped lay the foundation for an engaging new program, and why innovation and transformation has been central to the brand’s successful loyalty evolution.

Can’t attend this year’s expo? Don’t worry – we’re happy to share this content and more about how Kobie can help your brand level up in loyalty.

Reach out to us today.