In the feels: Unveiling the Intrinsic Value of Emotional Loyalty
As part of a new thought leadership series from The Wise Marketer, Kobie experts have informed the latest eBook titled: “In the Feels: Unveiling the Intrinsic Value of Emotional Loyalty.”
This Wise Marketer Strategy Brief (WMSB) goes deep into understanding what the term ‘Emotional Loyalty’ really means for brands that seek the strongest and most trusted relationships with their customers.
The Strategy Brief covers the topics via three segments that together will give you what you need to have a full understanding of this topic and to be able to apply it to your brand and customer strategy.
In collaboration with Kobie, as a company that has led the creation of intellectual property on the topic of Emotional Loyalty over the past five years or more, we are excited to share these actionable insights.
Dr. JR (Henry) Slubowski, Associate VP, Strategic Consulting at Kobie Marketing was our thought partner for much of what you will read, and we hope you enjoy this eBook.
Download the eBook
In the feels:
Unveiling the Intrinsic Value of Emotional Loyalty
What you’ll learn in the ELS eBook:
From feelings to fortunes
This is an introduction to Emotional Loyalty and how it can boost your brand. You will be happy to learn that we’re now able to categorize customers and understand their propensity for true advocacy, which gives marketers the ability to intercept and modify feelings and emotions to create distinct forms of advocacy.
Four key ways to leverage Emotional Loyalty
The second stage of this analysis covers how you can turn Principles and Trends into Actions and Results. You will learn how and why to measure the Emotional Loyalty of your Program Members through primary research. The focus of this primary research is to gain insights into the “why” behind customer behavior. As you will read, it’s not enough anymore to just know what customers do, you need to understand “why” they behave the way they do.
Putting ELS® into practice
We understand that you want to know how to put new thoughts into practice, so we wrap up this Strategy Brief on Emotional Loyalty with a treatment of how to put this new thought to the test using a few class-leading examples to illustrate key points. We include one example from the Entertainment business and another from the Travel industry.